Scale services with load balancing - folder example_2
HAProxy is an open-source software that provides High Availability services, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is used to distribute incoming network traffic across multiple servers to improve performance, scalability, and reliability of applications. HAProxy acts as a reverse proxy, meaning that it receives requests from clients and forwards them to the appropriate server based on various criteria such as load balancing algorithms, server health checks, and session persistence.
version: "3.3" services: web: build: . ports: - "5000" redis: image: "redis:alpine" haproxy: image: "haproxytech/haproxy-alpine:2.4" volumes: - ./haproxy.cfg:/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:ro depends_on: - web ports: - "80:80"
HAproxy config:
The following configuration sets up HAProxy to listen on port 80 for incoming HTTP traffic and distribute it across five backend servers that are checked for health before traffic is forwarded. It also sets up a stats interface on port 8404 to monitor the HAProxy instance.
global stats socket /var/run/api.sock user haproxy group haproxy mode 660 level admin expose-fd listeners log stdout format raw local0 info defaults mode http timeout client 10s timeout connect 5s timeout server 10s timeout http-request 10s log global frontend stats bind *:8404 stats enable stats uri / stats refresh 10s frontend myfrontend bind mode http default_backend webservers backend webservers server s1 web:5000 check server s2 web:5000 check server s3 web:5000 check server s4 web:5000 check server s5 web:5000 check
This is a sample HAProxy configuration that defines various global settings, default settings, and frontend/backend configurations. Here's an explanation of each section:
- The global section defines global settings for the entire HAProxy configuration. In this configuration, it specifies the location of the HAProxy stats socket at /var/run/api.sock and sets the user and group ownership to haproxy. It also specifies the log format and location, where logs are sent to stdout and use the raw format with a logging level of info.
- The defaults section defines default settings for all frontends and backends. In this configuration, it sets the mode to http, which means that it expects HTTP requests. It also sets various timeout values, including client, connect, server, and HTTP request timeouts. Additionally, it enables global logging.
- The frontend stats section defines a frontend for the HAProxy stats interface. It binds to port 8404 and enables the stats interface. It sets the stats URI to / and refreshes the stats page every 10 seconds.
- The frontend myfrontend section defines a frontend for incoming HTTP traffic. It binds to port 80 and specifies the mode as http. It also specifies the default backend webservers, which will receive traffic that does not match any other defined frontend.
- The backend webservers section defines a backend that consists of five servers, all with the name web and listening on port 5000. The check option specifies that HAProxy should check the health of each server before forwarding traffic to it.
How to run?
docker-compose up --scale web=4