Explores the concept of how information conveys meaning to the receiver, emphasizing the role of prior knowledge and experiences in semantic decoding.
Defines relations as connections between sets, describing them using Cartesian products, matrices, and graphs. Relations can be binary, homogeneous, or inversed, and are used to express logical relationships between elements.
Explains data as encoded information that holds meaning, created through abstraction, and represented by variables in programming. It covers data types like logical, integer, float, array, and structures.
XML: A flexible, text-based meta-language used to describe data structures, allowing users to define custom tags.
Expands on XML concepts with examples, covering special characters, CDATA sections, namespaces, and the importance of well-formed documents for syntactic validation by XML interpreters.
Defines the structure and constraints of XML documents, allowing syntactic validation. DTD can specify element types, sequences, and attributes, ensuring that XML data follows a prescribed format.